Mental Health First Aid As A Sports Medicine Professional
“How do we let others know that we are trained in mental health first aid, that we are a safe space, and a resource to talk to?”
This was a great question posed during one of my recent courses on mental health in sport, and one that I sat with for a while…
As a young professional in sports medicine, it’s crucial to prioritize mental health education. Recognizing when an athlete is facing a mental health challenge, knowing how to ask the right questions, and understanding how to respond are essential skills. But making ourselves available and open for these conversations can be difficult.
When we first enter the field, it’s easy to focus primarily on the physical aspects of athletic performance, rehabilitation, and return-to-play. Although mental health is more integrated into sports medicine curricula today, it often still takes a backseat.
However, it’s critical that we make time to ask athletes questions beyond just their physical health:
How is their energy, mood, and outlook on recovery?
What are they passionate about outside of sports—hobbies, talents, relationships, and personal interests?
How are they managing the transition to life after sports, including retirement?
The one-on-one time that sports medicine clinicians spend with athletes is a privilege. It’s an opportunity to foster open, honest conversations and shine a light on areas that need attention. If you have access to an interdisciplinary team, such as sports psychologists, school counselors, or other mental health professionals, be sure to lean on them. If not, sharing local and national resources is a great first step.
So, how can we make it clear that we are a resource for mental health?
Take training courses like Mental Health First Aid and ACT! Mental Health Awareness Certification to better understand how to support someone during a mental health crisis or challenge.
Display your certifications prominently in your office, clinic, or training area so others know you're trained and available to help.
Post organizational mental health resources where they are visible in your clinic or training spaces, so athletes and colleagues know where to turn.
Share educational resources like articles, webinars, or recorded lectures on mental health topics via your social media, email newsletters, or in team meetings.
Build partnerships with local mental health professionals and share their contact information with athletes in need of additional support.
Regularly share success stories from athletes who have navigated mental health challenges, offering testimonials or insights into how mental health support made a difference in their performance and well-being.
By actively making mental health a visible and accessible part of your work, you’ll help reduce stigma and encourage athletes to seek support when they need it most.